Google needs to delete fake reviews

What do others think? A good review results in good publicity and new customers. In the event of a negative review, customers stay away. Very annoying, especially when those reviews seem false.


An Amsterdam tailor took action against Google. The preliminary relief judge of the Court of Amsterdam ordered Google to remove ten fake reviews and to reveal who had posted the reviews.

Within a few months, ten false, negative reviews had been posted via Google Maps. Each with a specific combination of characteristics: the same style of writing, use of words and a description of events that had not taken place. Therefore, there was a strong suspicion that the reviews were written by one or a few people who were angry with the tailor.

Google refused to provide the name and address details of the reviewers and did not delete the reviews: they fall under the scope of freedom of expression, don't they? The Court in preliminary relief proceedings also held that these drastic claims could not be awarded too easily. Nevertheless, the conclusion is that Google is acting unlawfully by not providing the name and address details. After all, the tailor must be able to take action against the critics, and this cannot be done in a less drastic way. The reviewers' interests in remaining anonymous and Google's interest in not providing the name and address details do not outweigh the interests of the tailor.

This also applies to the removal of the reviews: in this case, the importance of the protection of the reputation and good name of the tailor outweighs the freedom of Google (Maps) users to post fake reviews and the Internet public to be able to view the fake reviews.

Lisanne Steenbergen